
What makes up our identity?

Our last Summit was centered on the idea of identity. What makes us who we are? When someone asks about us, what sorts of language do we use to tell them?

Today I learned something amazing about identity. Melissa and I went to our ultrasound appointment and the gender of our child was confirmed.

In that single moment, the child Melissa carries ceased to be an "it", an abstract idea of a baby-on-the-way, and took on a new identity in our hearts and minds. The child-to-be became our precious Katie, our daughter, the delightful little girl with whom God has blessed us beyond measure. We expect to meet Katelyn Tatiana Campbell face to face toward the end of June, and until then, we are content to speak softly to her and enjoy her fluttering movements as she is formed by the hand of the Master.


Christi said...

Yay!!! Congrats to the proud mom and dad! I'm tellin' ya'...I really should go into the baby-predictor-business. Hahaha.

Christi said...

Oh, and by the way, I'm NOT AT ALL bitter that I had to find out on your blog. Sheese! The nerve of some people. Hahaha.

Gunslinger said...

Congrats man. I am with Christi...Thanks for the phone call. . . Oh yeah, wait.

Anonymous said...

Seeing a picture of your little girl on your blog is easily the best thing I have seen yet. Isn't new life uttlerly amazing?

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard that you two had decided on a name. I guess thats what I get for not being around all the time anymore... :)