
Nine months: the perfect amount of time...

God has this whole pregnancy plan pretty well worked out. Nine months is exactly the amount of patience first-time parents have before going crazy waiting for their baby to arrive.

I went through different phases as the months of Melissa's pregnancy went by. The first was the "whoa, what's it going to be like?" phase, followed by the onset of pregnancy symptoms in a cranky wife phase. From there we went on to the first and second ultrasounds, which led to our discovering the gender of our baby, which led to the selection of a name. This leads to the baby starting to gain an identity in our minds, and the seeds of curiosity are planted.

As delivery approaches, after the get-everything-ready phase, we are at the "hurry up and get here" phase! Everything is ready, we have no idea what we're in for, but we don't care. We just want to meet our daughter.

Nine months: just enough time to get really impatient for her arrival, just enough time for our hearts to burst when we see her for the first time and hear her tiny cries. Too much longer, and I think we'd go crazy...


rebecca marie said...

were you walking with rebecca and i the other morning when we had this exact conversation? bizarre man, bizarre.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...we're all in the "let's get things rolling phase" waiting for your daughter to come out and play. Just to let you know, I've been so disappointed in our lack of ability to predict the arrival of your daughter that if Thursday rolls around and nothing happens, we're starting a new pool sheet. I'm already calling dibs on Saturday (July 2) at 7:33 p.m.