
Ramping up production:
4 days into NaNo and still kicking...

Phew. I've had precious little time for blogging lately--I've been writing furiously every day to stay ahead of my 1700 word-per-day quota for NaNoWriMo. So, far, so good. In fact, I'm a whole day ahead as of tonight.

And the best part is, I'm having more fun than last year. The idea of writing smaller, disconnected snippets is working really well. I am finding myself daily fleshing out character ideas, action sequences, descriptive elements, and plot concepts in ways I would never have thought possible. After more than thirty of the snippets so far, I'm finding myself returning to interesting themes, adding more to a small set of characters that are fueling my imagination, and circling around broader themes that I've had rolling around in my head for months. This is just too fun!

Just for you fellow NaNo participants out there, you may have missed this little detail. Neat little useless decorations for your blog. Like you need more distractions from your word count frenzy...

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