
Circle Church of Christ throws
Cascade Hills a "Baby Church Shower"

Tonight was one of those nights when I walked away from an event with friends and family with heart soaring. Church planting is full of those draining, challenging, worrisome, even scary moments, but tonight was one of those that was all-blessing.

Circle Church of Christ, the church that reached out to us and introduced us to Jesus, has been supporting our church financially and prayerfully since its beginning stages. Tonight they threw us a "baby church shower" in preparation for our launch. It was complete with a meal, presents, and a wonderful atmosphere of expectation and support. I came away feeling deeply loved and appreciated and I was glad our whole team could be there to share in the relationships we have enjoyed with the people that make up Circle.

May God continue to bless us with strong relationships with healthy churches and loving people as we seek to work with Him in south Salem!


Anonymous said...

Amen. I found myself not simply appreciating the physical gifts that were handed our way, but more imporantly, saw a growing connection between Circle and church planting. It was much like a baby shower in that everyone there felt ownership and connected to what God is doing in Salem. Cool stuff.

rebecca marie said...

off topic from your blog....

it was soooo very nice to meet you today! thanks for the important reminder to meet people where they are at instead of trying to force every one we meet into the old old old mold. your message (weeeell, Jesus' message) was timely and inspirational.

Gunslinger said...

Where are the postings?????

tabitha jane said...

my parents went to circle church when i was born! i met this boy there and we were friends until we moved to tenessee and then he met my future husband in high school, introduced him to jesus and ended up being the best man in our wedding.
that's what i think of when i think of the circle church.
and gregg long. strong. what was his last name anyway??